Sunday 6 February 2011

Story of a Bum in Beirut

For my first post EVER, i thought it should be SUPER interesting so im going to share a story that i heard during my weekend stay in Beirut with my father. 


In Beirut, Lebanon, the year was 1979 and my mother lived next to the lighthouse (Manara). There was a crazy poor man who lived inside carton boxes on newspapers in a deserted piece of land next to their house. His name, as created by the people of Beirut, was Abu el Reeshe. He always had a huge weather sticking out of his hat (hence the name REESHE meaning FEATHER in Arabic). My grandmother used to feel sorry for him so time to time, she would ask him to wipe her car and she would give him some change. He was quite a character always blabbering to himself about incoherent irrelevant subjects in some sort of Arabic. Very nice gentle guy but totally wacko. 

In 1982 the war started in Lebanon and the Israeli army reached Beirut.

Abou el Reeshe, the poor bum without a home or barely any food to eat, turns out to be an Palestinian/Israeli Mossad Officer who was actually spying on the Syrian Army activities in Lebanon for years!!!!

Apparently he was spotted in 2005 in Hamra, so he's around... probably not pulling the poor-guy image, its too hot for that these days. :)

intense stuff!! that's why i love listening to older people talk!

the link to the story for those who can read Arabic:


  1. interesting:) nice kick off start:) keep it up, dont lower the standards, question tho? how did they find out about him? n wht happened to him after? intrigued to know:)

  2. I'll think twice every time I pass a bum on the street in Lebanon now.
    The blog cracked me up - especially your interests.
    Are you going to share a story every time you travel to another country? Which would be every other day....
    Where do I subscribe?

  3. @zummy the guys came out in military uniform when Israel arrived. its a famous story. He was spotted in 2005 in Lebanon again but never seen since...


  4. Interesting first blog entry... I remember the story well :)
