Friday, 11 May 2012

Learnings & Actions from our previous TED@HOME Session
Record attendance at 22 people – shall we rent-out the Cinema next time?


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We EDUCATED ourselves with:

 We INSPIRED ourselves with:

What ACTIONS did we agree to take starting TODAY?

  • 1.       Learn from children – DREAM BIG and think without any boundaries, then just go and do it. If you fail, try again!
  • 2.       We will join the Crazy Brainstorm community (created by Othman+Mazala who joined us at TED@HOME) which is a group for motivated innovators, entrepreneurs, artists, and people who want to re-think the world, start new businesses or brainstorm about what could appear like cRAZY ideas. We all have ideas, our own experiences, our own domain of expertise. And if we combine them, we would come up with something new. Join here:
  • 3.       Follow your passions. It is your passion that will make your dreams come true, nothing else. Even if you don’t have a dream, following your passion will make you realize what your dream is. If you don’t know your passion, spend a weekend by yourself and think about it!