Friday, 11 May 2012

Learnings & Actions from our previous TED@HOME Session
Record attendance at 22 people – shall we rent-out the Cinema next time?


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We EDUCATED ourselves with:

 We INSPIRED ourselves with:

What ACTIONS did we agree to take starting TODAY?

  • 1.       Learn from children – DREAM BIG and think without any boundaries, then just go and do it. If you fail, try again!
  • 2.       We will join the Crazy Brainstorm community (created by Othman+Mazala who joined us at TED@HOME) which is a group for motivated innovators, entrepreneurs, artists, and people who want to re-think the world, start new businesses or brainstorm about what could appear like cRAZY ideas. We all have ideas, our own experiences, our own domain of expertise. And if we combine them, we would come up with something new. Join here:
  • 3.       Follow your passions. It is your passion that will make your dreams come true, nothing else. Even if you don’t have a dream, following your passion will make you realize what your dream is. If you don’t know your passion, spend a weekend by yourself and think about it!

Thursday, 12 April 2012

Learnings & Actions from last night’s TED@HOME Session

·         Brilliant advertising by Dollar Shave Club:
·         The Power of YouTube:

We EDUCATED ourselves with:
-          The secret effects of sharing secrets: 
-          These days are we more connected or more alone? 
-          The future of social media – as illustrated by digital guru Gary Vaynerchuk  and connected to this: the OneAway app that a friend I know developed 

We INSPIRED ourselves with the beauty of the world and the extreme things humans can do: 

What ACTIONS did we agree to take starting TODAY?

1.       We will each anonymously share a personal secret to be posted on (assuming you will feel better about doing it – if not, it’s not worth it – but why not try)
2.       We will make more efforts in our daily lives to connect physically to one another and have real-life conversations instead of BBM, txts, WhatsApps, e-mails, etc (and/or switch off BB and iPhones after 8pm to give full attention and reconnect with yourself, your loved ones or your close friends) Or if you are really brave, try writing an actual hand-written letter to somebody far away.

Friday, 3 February 2012

2012 - Year of Dragon Action

Fellow humans,

In my eyes, 2011 has been the year of the Sponge. A year of a learning. A year of thinking, talking & debating.

According to the Chinese, 2012  is the year of the Dragon. To me, the dragon represents a concentrated ball of enormous energy and activity. This year ladies and gentlemen, is the year of action. It’s about taking the steps you’ve been thinking about for so long. It’s about making an impact on life. Changing the game for the better. It is about materializing your values and beliefs into the real world, not just your head. Lets do it. And lets do it together.


What did we watch in our last TED@HOME session?

We entertained with:
-          Tips on how not to get distracted:
-          Beautiful advertising based on solid insights:

We educated ourselves with:
-          The power of global collaboration:

We inspired ourselves with a talk from a remarkable French/American 60-year old woman:

What did we ACTIONS did we agree on our last TED@HOME?

1.    We will all register on to learn a new language and help others at the same time.
2.    We will challenge our minds/bodies and run the Half-Marathon in Geneva on Sunady May 6th 2012, register here: