Monday, 7 November 2011

TED @ HOME Sessions 4/5/6

Now that i've had at least 3 more sessions under my belt, i can post the videos that we watched.

if you are reapplying this idea somewhere in the world, my one piece of advice is: Diversity brings amazing perspectives and even more awesome discussions. Mix it up!

Session #4:

1-      ENTERTAIN: How to tie your shoes:
and Facebook & Google Revealed:
3-      INSPIRE: Generosity Experiment:

Session #5:

1-      ENTERTAIN: Wii Remote Hack:
and How to start a movement:
and Why we do what we do: 
Session #6:

1-      ENTERTAIN: What's wrong with our food system: 
and Lessons from an Ad Man:
3-   INSPIRE: Charlie Chaplin:  (we loved it so much we watched it again)
how do we take this to the next level?

look how concentrated they are!! you dont get this concentration level at college even!!!

Thursday, 22 September 2011

The Birth of TED @ HOME

Without a doubt, my favourite website to date is . Once you explore it, you will understand why i feel this way.

I love watching an inspiring TED talk just before i go to bed. Whenever i find really cool talks, i usually fwd them to my friends. butttt, i always feel unsatisfied because i'd like to be there when they've finished watching the talk and see their reactions and get their points of view and see if there is anything more to learn on the subject.

SO i did what any other Wael Jabi would do...i invited them over to watch some TED Talks together!

Beauty is in the details - HOW to do this? simple:
- Invite anybody and everybody - friends/colleagues/etc - the more diverse the better!
- Couch
- TV hooked up to my laptop that will play the videos from
- do-it-yourself sandwich snack bar with some drinks
- Start with something Entertaining to break the ice and get ppl comfortable
- Move on to more educational talks submitted by the audience and discuss after each one.
- End with one strikingly inspirational video to give them something to think about when they go home to sleep!

the result?

1- first and foremost, BEAUTIFUL discussions after each talk. we really go to bond and know each other much more. its amazing i cant explain it you just have to do it!

2- People felt INSPIRED - EDUCATED - ENTERTAINED, and will live the following day with a different perspective in-mind. one way or the other, they will be adding more value to life then before.

3- Attendance levels DOUBLED at every session. (index 200 vs. previous period)

4- more visits to and more videos being shared to other friends - the word of mouth machine at its best!

et voila....EUREKA! a new way of watching TED Talks is born....right out of the comfort of your own living room!

**its the people and the discussions that make this special, thank you all for coming**

NOTE THIS IS NOT A TED or TEDx EVENT - nothing to do with the organization themselves!

For those interested to know what videos we watched in our previous sessions, here are the links:

Session #1:
1-      ENTERTAIN: Parrots are smarter than you think:
3-      INSPIRE: Do something for 30 days:

Session #2:
2.       EDUCATE:
3.       INSPIRE: Photos that changed the world:

Session #3:
 2-      EDUCATE:
3-      INSPIRE: Isang Litrong Liwanag (its not TED but its brilliant):

TED @ HOME - Live in Action!!!!!!!!

Friday, 16 September 2011

What you didn't know about Teethbrushing

I hate going to the dentist. The idea of sharp tools scraping my enamel is horrifying. What is worse is that I have sensitive teeth so the pain is amplified.

There is only one dentistry clinic which I actually look forward to visiting each time I'm back home which is the Scandinavian Dental Clinic on Wasl road in Jumeirah, Dubai, UAE. This isn't a regular clinic it's a palace with a tennis court. How cool is to watch n listen to the Eagles playing Hotel California on a HD-Quality LED screen that is attached to the ceiling while the dentist is busy working on your teeth? Did I mention the awesome surround sound?

It's like the clinic was part of an episode of Pimp My Ride - Pimp My Clinic. All the latest tech!

Ok I'm drifting off - what you DIDN'T KNOW about brushing your teeth is the subject of this blog so let me share with you what I learnt on my last visit to the clinic:

1- Flouride-intensive tooth-paste is key. (Crest Pro-Expert is my favorite - no I'm not promoting it this is honesty!)

2- DON'T RINSE YOUR MOUTH AFTER BRUSHING - Well just a bit. Normally I brush my teeth, then gargle 50 times with water to flush out the toothpaste. Actually what you should do is, brush ur teeth, spit out the majority without using water and then gargle only once with water and keep the rest of the paste in ur mouth so that the Flouride protects ur teeth throughout ur day! (warning: brush teeth After breakfast otherwise ur eggs will taste like Crest)

3- USE A LOT OF TOOTHPASTE!! I always thought that u only needed a pea-sized amount but the dentist was clear that u should put a lot so that u have more fluoride left over for the day's protection !

Et voila ladies n gents the secrets of thy teeth! Eureka!

This blog was NOT sponsored by any brand or clinic but donations are very much appreciated :)

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Friday, 26 August 2011

Eat Grass

I am so jelous of sheep, ostriches, cows and other grass-eating animals.

Just look at the effort they need to do to get a meal: bend neck down, crunch into it, chew, digest.

No complex menus, no bad service, no bills to pay, no limitations on quantity, nothing!

I wish I could eat grass. Just imagine food all around me just sitting there in plentiful waiting for me to just tear it up, wow.

What if we come up with something like that? A piece of land with completely edible vegetation; i.e No dirt, no soil, no non-edible parts, no insects.
Creating a bed of M&M's doesn't count.

Who wants to fund this project?

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Location:Chemin des Maisonnettes,,Switzerland

Tuesday, 16 August 2011

Thank You

Thank you!

There's a singer that said I LOVE YOU are the 3 words that are said too much but not enough.

I can see where he is coming from and can relate although there are some friends who I know who don't agree and think they are just not said enough.

One thing we all agreed on was the fact that the words THANK YOU are said too much and also not enough.

We live in this world where we are OBLIGED to be overtly-friendly towards each other. Even when we are unsatisfied from a request we accept the response and say thanks. For example you walk into a store asking for a shoe size and they don't have it, you say Okay thanks bye. Are you really thankful for the outcome? NO! But u say it anyway because society has evolved to this level where we set a standard called being polite.

I don't know about you but I'd rather be honest and true to my words instead of being 'polite'.

When I want to share my thanks with somebody I will whole-heartedly look into their eyes and genuinely pass on the message. I will not move on to another task while muttering thanks under my breath as if I was embarrassed to say it.

I feel we lost the substance, the true meaning of the words Thank You.

Think twice next time you say it. Do you really mean it ? If so, say it and give it the attention it deserves!! We are humans we have feelings and we will appreciate it!!
When you Don't mean it then don't say it!!! It's like your lying to their face. Do not feel obliged and do not let the corporate or social 'standards' influence the truth!!!

For those who took the time to read this post, I am looking into your eyes and I am THANKING YOU for your time :)

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Location:Pont du Val d'Arve,Geneva,Switzerland

Tuesday, 3 May 2011

Don't be a Bleh.

As you grow you learn more, in this episode of ONE LIFE, I'd like to share with you one of the things I learnt which is the power n importance of human psychology.

It's so crazy and simple but true nonetheless:

This whole world we live in is based on human to human interaction, it's not about how strong you are, it's not about what you look like, it's not about how much you know, it's not about how much money you have.

Its about humans dealing with other humans. So if you learn to master how to do that - you're set!

You can do whatever u want and be whoever u want to get and get whatever u want if you have this strong understanding of why humans act the way they do and are able to respond and interact accordingly.

It's all about emotional intelligence (EI)

Yes it's true there are "successful" people who are great at their job but suck big time on the emotional intelligence.

Take for example one of my vice-presidents at P&G. He has awesome analytical skills and comes up with solutions so fast everybody shuts up and agrees. But take the guy out of his job context and he's like a jellyfish. You poke it,it doesn't react. Bleh.

That's the word that best describes people with low EI. Bleh.

So the learning is: get a PHD in psychology.

No really just put some effort in your daily lives and take it into consideration , the rewards are massive.

Hope you have a rocking human-to-human day!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, 18 February 2011

Top 10 Best Compliments to Give a Guy

Im sweating as i type because i think ive set a certain standard of blogging that i need to upkeep. So here goes: For my 2nd blog ever in this life, i would like to equip everybody on what i think are the top 10 best things you can say to a guy (some apply to women, especially number 5).

No, these are not a list of things people have told me, but rather a nice mix of things i've said to others and what i've heard being said.

It may be useful, and it may not be of any use, but the objective is to share what i think is worth sharing.

Here we go with the TOP 10 BEST COMPLIMENTS TO GIVE A GUY::::::::::
  1. You inspire me. (wow that’s deep) 
  2. I look up to you. (siblings - natural-born responsibility of being the role model as a first child) 
  3. You’re fucking hot. (yes, the swear word is essential. It brings it to another level…)
  4. I hope my son grows up to be like you. (usually this comes from mothers)
  5. I wish you would marry my daughter. (usually this ONLY comes from mothers)
  6. I am proud of you. (Yes pride is one of the deadly sins but this type doesn’t cause any deaths! J )
  7. You are leaving gigantic shoes to fill. (hmm not sure if this deserves to be in the top 10 but I love it anyway)
  8. I want YOU on my team. (could be in sports, work, study groups, relationships)
  9. You’re the best I’ve ever had and will ever have. (no comment)
  10. Any general complements relating to the greatness and size of his physical features (specifically: arms, shoulders, biceps, chest, and other manly organs)
Your thoughts? Hit me back with a list for girls so i can use it!!!!!

Sunday, 6 February 2011

Story of a Bum in Beirut

For my first post EVER, i thought it should be SUPER interesting so im going to share a story that i heard during my weekend stay in Beirut with my father. 


In Beirut, Lebanon, the year was 1979 and my mother lived next to the lighthouse (Manara). There was a crazy poor man who lived inside carton boxes on newspapers in a deserted piece of land next to their house. His name, as created by the people of Beirut, was Abu el Reeshe. He always had a huge weather sticking out of his hat (hence the name REESHE meaning FEATHER in Arabic). My grandmother used to feel sorry for him so time to time, she would ask him to wipe her car and she would give him some change. He was quite a character always blabbering to himself about incoherent irrelevant subjects in some sort of Arabic. Very nice gentle guy but totally wacko. 

In 1982 the war started in Lebanon and the Israeli army reached Beirut.

Abou el Reeshe, the poor bum without a home or barely any food to eat, turns out to be an Palestinian/Israeli Mossad Officer who was actually spying on the Syrian Army activities in Lebanon for years!!!!

Apparently he was spotted in 2005 in Hamra, so he's around... probably not pulling the poor-guy image, its too hot for that these days. :)

intense stuff!! that's why i love listening to older people talk!

the link to the story for those who can read Arabic: